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Saturday, 24 August 2013

MUSE - Stockholm Syndrome

Muse Band
Intro : Dm

        Dm      Cadd9                   G/B    Bb
I 	won't 	stand 	in 	your 	way

                Dm      A/C#    Cadd9   DM/F#
Let 	your 	hat-	red	grow

And 	she'll 	scream

And 	she'll 	shout

                G6/B   Gm6/Eb
And 	she'll 	pray

And 	she 	had 	a 	name

Yeah, 	she 	had 	a 	name 

And I won't hold you back
Let your anger	rise
And we'll fly
And we'll fall
And we'll burn
No-one will recall
No-one will recall

G	F#	F

F                       Aadd9                           Dm
This	is	the	last	time	I'll	a-	ban-	don	you

        F                       Aadd9                           Dm
And	this	is	the	last	time	I'll	for-	get	you

	I	wish	I	could

F	Ab	A	C	C#	Dm

Look to the stars
Let hope burn in your eyes
And we'll love
And we'll hope
And we'll die
All to no avail
All to no avail

G	F#	F

This is the last time I'll abandon you
And this is the last time I'll forget you
I wish I could

F	Ab	A	C	C#	Dm

Dm	C/D	Dm	Dm/F

Gm	F	G6/B	Gm6/Eb	A

G	F#	F

This is the last time I'll abandon you
And this is the last time I'll forget you
I wish I could
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